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How to use IC cards?

When going through the automatic ticket gates, simply place your card on the card reader for a second, rather than insert it into the ticket slot. Your fare will be automatically taken out when you depart from the station. On buses, the card reader is located at the entrance and/or exit. It is not permissible to use the same card for multiple travelers simultaneously.

Where to get an IC card?

You can buy IC cards from the ticket machines and ticket booths of the railway company that issued them. An initial cost of 500 yen (which is refundable) plus an additional 1500 yen needs to be paid to get the card activated.

How to recharge IC cards?

IC cards can be recharged at ticket machines and special re-charging machines found in strategically meaningful locations. You can recharged IC cards from the ticket machines and ticket booths of the railway company that issued them.

How to check the current balance?

Whenever you go through a ticket gate or make a purchase at a store, the current credit balance will be shown on a small display. Additionally, you can check the balance and a usage history at ticket machines.

How to get back the 500 yen refundable deposit?

To get your 500 yen deposit back, you must take your card to the ticket counter of the operator who issued it. If you have unused credit, you can also get a refund; though, most companies will take out a 220 yen handling fee from the remaining amount.

Is there an expiry date?

Cards will no longer be valid if they haven't been utilized in a decade.

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