If you want to see the beauty of world,
please come to nepal.

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12D/11N Jumla

Rara Lake

Located in Jumla and Hugu districts, Rara lake is the biggest and the deepest freshwater lake in Nepal.

Rate: $300.00 $500.00
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5D/4N Pokhara


Pokhara is said to be the best venue for paragliding and you can spot many paragliders enjoying a ride in the sky.

Rate: $200.00 $300.00
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12D/11N Manang

Tilicho Lake

Tilicho lake is one of the highest high-altitude lakes in the world at 4,949 m height located at 55 kms far from Pokhara.

Rate: $300.00 $500.00
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1D/0N Bhaktapur


Nagarkot is best known for the views it offers of the mountains and the Kathmandu Valley.

Rate: $50.00 $75.00
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2D/1N Nuwakot

Whitewater Rafting

If you're looking for an exciting experience in Nepal, consider a whitewater rafting trip!

Rate: $200.00 $250.00
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2D/1N Chitwan

Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park is home to 68 different mammals, including the elusive Bengal Tiger.

Rate: $150.00 $200.00
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luxury hotels
Allow an easy, simple and intelligent planning and booking process. Guests should get the feeling that they are known and valued. Your staff should know them by name, be friendly (smiling!) and respectful. Housekeeping and gardeners should be quiet and not interfere with a guest's enjoyment of the property, maintenance personnel should appear at guests room within minutes etc.

food and drinks
Foods and drinks in the Everyday category are based on the basic food groups and include: breads and cereals, rice, pasta, noodles vegetables fruits dairy foods – reduced or low-fat milk, yoghurt and cheese lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts* and legumes (dried beans and lentils) water.

safety guide
afety guidelines are the processes of being safe, especially on our roads. They are usually in the form of instructions, which help in promoting safety, by preventing accidents and hazards.

Rafting on certain sections of rivers is considered an extreme sport and can be fatal, while other sections are not so extreme or difficult.

fastest travel
We prodive the fastest travel from one site the another site. Throughout this you can visit many places within a short time duration.

We provide the different adventures schema like hicking, trekking, rafting, mount climbing etc.!